Super Smash Bros. FEST

I am a huge gaming nerd. I absolutley love Nintendo, Sega, Capcom and all of those gaming componies. I was a really big fan of the Super Smash Brothers series. Not that I was good at it but I only played it for fun. Some people my disagree but my favorite game of the seiries is Super Smash Bros. Brawl. What if I told you there was another game of the seiries thhat was unrealesed and abandond when it was being developped. It was called Super smash bros fest. It was supposed to be released in 2004 for the Nintendo DS. The game was in a deleted sceene in the "Nintendo e3 2002" it was about announcing this game. Sakurai loved the success that Melee had and he wanted more.
I actually pirated the game and I got it and put the card inside the slot in my old DS that I played with as a kid. When I launched the game the usual seizure warnings and stuff appeared but there was a very loud noise that came with it too. It sounded like a car crash. In the begining, there was heavily destorted music that was simalar to the one opening music that Brawl had. There were no videos it was just the red bloody title and the text that said "Press START to to beign". I pressed the start button and when then I witness that there were 3 game modes. Versus, Solo and there was another mode...i coukldnt make out what the text red. My dumb*ss decided to choose the game mode with the glitchu title. What I saw was Replys, Pictures and... kills? I wasnt prepared to look at the kills section so I decided to check out the replays since this game was used. I looked at the replys and I saw 6 videos. The thumbnails were... highly disturbing.The first replay took place in September 23 2004 and the thumbnail was Marth. But Marth had one eye no teeth and his hair was cut. I grabbed the courage to watch it and what I saw that Marth was in a room. He was crying and screaming in japanese. Then I saw him holding his sword and jamming it into his left eye and he screams in pain. then i saw him slicing his hair off. Then he took out his teeth one by one using his sword and then... he stabs himself in the chest and spits out blood. I was extremely disgusted and went to puke. I came back to regrettfuly watch another replay. The next one is about Mr Game and Watch. I saw game and watch's back turned to something that seems like a red Tabuu with sicors. I watched it and I saw Game and Watch was in a living room. There were also children that ressamble Game and watch and I assumingly thought that was his kids. He was watching TV with the kids until they heared a loud beeping noise that is simaler to the noise Game and watch did. What I saw next was unerving. Game and watch rushed in the kitchen whith his kids and I saw... a female game and watch an the ground. She seemed decapitated. Mr game and watch and his children where all crying black tears then I saw the red tabuu in the thumbnail sneaking behind game and watch and cut him into two peices using sicors. The children where beeping alot and the red Tabbu kidnapped the children. I was saddened to see taht.  I was absolutkey done with the replays. I just wanted to see the thumbnails and thats it for the rest of them. In the third video I saw Mario in lava with skeleton. The fourth one I saw Link with bloodshot eyes and his jaw open as double the wide that a human can. The fith one I saw Captain Falcon without his helmet on. I saw one side of his head busted to the point where I can see the brain. But the sixth one caught my intrest. The thumbnail was about the red tabuu is saw earlier, a purple Ganondorf, an orangle Luigi, a green Mewtwo and a blue... moon from the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask right above the four. Curiosity hit me and I pressed the A buuton and it played. There was nothing but red text on the screen that displayes. "I am Rabuu. I make people suffer. These worthless creatures... fighting... I have had enough. To whoever reads this. Delete the game now. If you dont my curse will infect you." I was in total shock. Then the words on the screen disappeaed and The Red Tabuu appeared. "Meet me in classic solo mode.". I obeyed.
I went to solo ad then classic mode. I then saw the charachetr slect. Every single character was crossed out with red x. The only that wasnt crossed out was a newcomer some one who I dont recognise. His name was "Liquick" he wore an orange hat with the letter q. He had yellow eyes a triangular nose with a wicked smile. It was like a stickman that a 7 year old would draw. I had no choice but to choose him. I pressed start and it took me to a stage. A very wierd stage. There was fire everywhere the floor was red so did the walls. The stage looked like Hell and the music that was played was called "The House of Leaves by Kevin McLeod". Liquick was there so did the Red Tabuu that was named "Rabuu". He hovered closer to Liquick in a slow pace and then said in a low voice. "It was a mistake getting this game. It was infected with my curse. The Rabuu curse. That is why Nintendo never got to finish this game. I killed off all the characters in gruesome ways. I was very happy. Until morons broke through the code and pirated the game. Now player. Feel my wrath. Close the game now." I desobeyed. "Well then. Let's do this the hard way." Some extremely loud and ear piercing noise came. "This  is the sound of me going through your brain." I then terrifyingly powered the DS off. Then the familiar voice came back "Too bad Player I am already in your brain." Then both of the screens in my ds shattered and the DS over heated. I let go of the DS and then got the game out of the slot and then I went to the backyard to burn it. When I burnt it I felt a horrible head ache and then I...fainted? Then I woke up in the hospital. The neighbors must have seen me next to the fire I started. Then I heared the voice of Rabuu again. "What a fun time it was in your Brain! See ya!" Rabbu then ejected from my ear and then I physically see him in front of me. "Goodbye" he said. Then he vanished.
I got out of hospital 3 days later and I am back home. I dont know if Rabuu is still here stalking me but I hope he isnt.